Monday, March 4, 2019

MiraDry Treatment for Axillary (Underarm) Sweating

Yesterday I was spending too much time searching the net for information on hyperhidrosis treatments. At one point I was scrolling down and saw this blog: Heather and Hyperhidrosis. I had basically forgotten about my blog. I was feeling frustrated by my sweating problem and wishing there were more personal resources to read so I decided I should update my blog with some of the treatments I have tried since Botox.

If you want the quick summary of my miraDry results here it is:
No more underarm circles, no more underarm odor. Still sweat and still get damp underarms but not to the extent that I am self-conscious about it. Success!

Back in 2015 I had the miraDry treatment done to stop underarm sweating. I can't find my receipt but I think it cost between $2000-2500 for the whole procedure. I drove to the city and went to a dermatologist who offered this treatment. At the time, I couldn't find many clinics offering miraDry. It has been a few years now so I don't remember all the details.

It starts with a lot of injections in each armpit to get numb. That was the most uncomfortable part. After that, the miraDry procedure was bearable. Every once in awhile I would feel some discomfort, kind of a burning feeling. It was not bad (for me). After the procedure I iced my armpits and had numb arms for awhile. I remember going out to eat right after the treatment, so apparently I could still feed myself. For some time after I had lumpy armpits but eventually the swelling went down. I had some permanent hair loss in my armpits. Not a concern for me but could be an issue if you don't shave because may look patchy.

To get the full effect of miraDry some people opt for a 2nd treatment. In 2016, I went back for a 2nd treatment which cost $1000. I could tell the 1st treatment was effective but I still sweat a lot. After the 2nd treatment, I still sweat but I don't ruin my clothing anymore--no sweat stains or lingering odor. That was one of the best benefits of miraDry-no more underarm odor. I used to feel like I smelled sweaty frequently and the smell would get into my clothes but no longer! I am happy I had this treatment. I can still feel wet under my arms but no more large sweat circles and no more odor made it worth the money to me.

Side note: after miraDry my hands were dry for a few days (I can't remember exactly how long) thanks to the numbing done to my armpits. This was AMAZING! If only there were a way to get numb enough to have dry hands but still be able to have use of the arms and hands.

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